School of Mathematics and Computing

The School of Mathematics and Computing at Yonsei University Graduate School is a degree program consisting of a major in mathematics and a major in computational science and engineering. Mathematics major challenges solving core problems in fields such as analysis, algebra, geometry, logic, and applied mathematics. The computational Science and Engineering program focuses on multidisciplinary research from theory development to commercialization by solving real-world problems through applied mathematical methods, mathematical modeling and numerical analysis, simulation, computing, data-driven methodology, and machine learning.
The Physics Graduate School

The physics graduate program started in May 1950, and the first M.S. was awarded to S. H Ahn, a former president of Yonsei University, in the midst of the Korean War turmoil. The physics graduate school (TPGS) is trying to keep the legacy of the founders, Pastor Underwood, and Dr. Becker who had shown the spirit of challenge and leadership against all odds. TPGS was selected as the first recipient of the BrainKorea21 program in 1999 and since then it has been endeavoring internationalization of education and research. TPGS is also proud of hosting major research programs including The Surface Science SRC, Vander Valls Physics SRC, and Nanomedical CRC leading the related R&D activities.
Graduate Students in Chemistry

Graduate students in chemistry are mandated minimum amount of advanced chemistry courses in their respective division for firm implantation of chemistry basics. A myriad of electives in all disciplines of chemistry with emphasis on current research trends are offered, designed to guide, inspire, and assist the development of students’ research projects. Traditional lectures as well as courses adopting more advanced and modern learning methods (flipped-learning, student-initiated courses, modularly-scheduled courses) are provided. The department provides student-tailored research and learning portfolios for the development of students’ future research strengths, assisting in their growth as chemists for industry and academia. Research interests of the faculty span all fields of chemistry, including emerging and convergence research topics in energy and environment, AI-based healthcare, and nano-biomedicine.
The School of Earth · Astronomy · Atmosphere

The School of Earth·Astronomy·Atmosphere aims for creative and challenging research that can contribute to better human life with the future-oriented vision of ‘Earth & Universe 2050’. With a common vision, this institute continues to strive to develop the compendium of knowledge and research that our society requires by conducting a wide range of projects covering geology, ocean, atmosphere, and space, based upon interdisciplinary collaboration between earth, atmospheric, and astronomical sciences. Specifically, we contribute to improve human wellbeing by conducting research on fine dust, abnormal climate, natural disasters, space environment, and exploration which are directly related to human life. The institute consists of professors, research associates, and graduate students. Participating graduate students of the institute are creating globally influential research results with international collaborators with support for globalization using overseas stay programs or online systems. In addition, by establishing governance and mentoring systems between professors, research associates, and graduate students, we have created a smooth communication channel for graduate students leading them to grow as independent researchers in a stable research environment.
The YU-KRISS Convergence Semiconductor Cooperative Course

The YU-KRISS Convergence Semiconductor Cooperative Course is a semiconductor fusion research field based on collaborative research with the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS), focusing on the study in various academic fields necessary for advanced semiconductor research. In addition to interdisciplinary convergence research in various materials research necessary for next-generation memory materials and advanced semiconductor processes, including quantum device-based material research for future semiconductor research from the most basic semiconductor materials, KRISS established an advanced analytical research and collaboration system. Therefore, it aims to pursue the ultimate understanding from the most efficient material research. The discoveries and knowledge obtained here provide a direction for practical semiconductor research, not simple knowledge or process development research, and provide a core methodology for future semiconductor research, ultimately resulting in technological ripple effects in new semiconductor material research. and research to increase added value. The faculty participating in this cooperative course is composed of representative professors from the Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Material Science and Engineering, and Electrical and Electronic Engineering. In addition, the KRISS has the best researchers in various fields from quantum material research to advanced process research. The YU-KRISS Convergence Semiconductor Cooperative Course has contributed greatly to the development of semiconductor research by providing systematic and advanced research.
The Department of Optical Science and Engineering

Optical science and engineering is a field that studies the application of light closely related to the needs of industry based on the optical theory of physics. In Korea's core industries such as mobile, display, and automobile, advanced system engineers in the field of optical science and engineering are needed to secure next-generation competitiveness and future core technology, and we aims to nurture innovative and challenging leaders who will play a pivotal role in national competitiveness. To this end, we recruits students from various majors such as physics, astronomy&space, electricity&electronics, and mechanics, and presents a new paradigm for creating new optical technologies based on their major knowledge, and based on a practical, systematic educational curriculum, we are nurturing the next-generation optical research manpower. The Department of Optical Science and Engineering was established as a contract department supported by LG Innotek, a world-class high-tech optical parts and materials company. Students in this department are provided with opportunities to participate in industry-university projects and to connect with employment after graduation.

우주가 다양한 서비스 창출의 공간으로 확장되고 수많은 위성 활용에 대한 새로운 요구가 폭발적으로 증가하고 있다. 첨단 위성 기술의 발전에 따라 세계가 우주로 연결되고 우주개발과 위성 산업이 팽창하는 뉴 스페이스(New Space) 시대가 도래하였다. 우리나라는 제4차 우주개발진흥기본계획을 바탕으로 우주에 대한 지속적인 투자와 공공 임무 수행과 민간 비즈니스 지원을 위한 생태계를 적극적으로 확장하고 있다. 한국형 발사체 ‘누리호’가 2차, 3차 발사에 성공하고, “다누리”호가 달탐사를 성공적으로 수행하면서 우리나라도 명실상부 ‘우주 강국’으로의 토대를 마련하였다. 더 나아가 우주산업 육성과 일자리 창출을 위하여 우주개발에 민간기업 참여를 확대하고, 우주기술의 사업화 지원을 확장하고, 새로운 우주 융합산업 기반을 조성하고 있다. 이러한 세계적 추세에 발맞추고자, 인공위성시스템학과는 인공위성 개발에 필요한 위성 본체와 서브시스템 기술, 시험평가, 위성 궤도운용분석/검증, 위성 탑재체, 위성 데이터 활용에 요구되는 이공계 분야를 교육한다. 이를 통해서, 우주 과학기술의 발전을 선도할 글로벌 고급 인재를 양성하고 첨단 연구 능력 확충하고자 한다. 학과에서 개발해온 “카니발-X” 큐브위성은 우주망원경 기술시현을 시도하였으며, “카니발-C” 미션을 통해서 태양과학을 위한 편대비행 기술을 연구하였다. 2022년 누리호 2차 발사로 궤도에 올라간 “미먼” 큐브위성은 우주에서 1년간 운용되었다. 현재 개발되고 있는 초소형위성 “비젼"은 우주에서 광통신을 시현하고자 하며, 큐브위성 ”하이브리드“는 우주감시 역량을 검증할 것이다. 본 학과의 대학원생들은 한화시스템㈜, LIG넥스원㈜, 한국항공우주산업㈜, ㈜나라스페이스 등의 우주기업체의 장학지원을 받으며, 졸업후에는 해당 기업체에 취업이 보장된다.